 | X. Yuan and C. Ji, Performance analysis of service-oriented
architectures with multi-factor sensitivity analysis, Proc. 2007
IEEE International Conference on Electro/information Technology, pp.
241-247, May 2007. |
 | S. Duan and X. Yuan, Software IC revised: A
new approach of component-based software design with software slots,
Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on
Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS)-Based Software Systems, pp. 73-81, May
2007. |
 | X. Yuan, S. Duan, and Z. Liu, Exploring
robust component-based software, Proc. 2006 ACM International
Workshop on Software Quality, pp. 75-80, May 2006. |
and Automation
 | X. Yuan and S. Yang, Multi-robot-based nanoassembly planning with
automated path generation, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,
12(3):352-356, June 2007. |
 | X. Yuan and S. Yang,
Flexible control of robot manipulators in virtual assembly,
Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent
Systems and Signal Processing, pp. 537-542, Oct. 2003. |
 | X. Yuan, An
interactive approach of assembly planning, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 32(4):522-526, July 2002. |
 | Y. Zhong, and X. Yuan, 3D visualization of discrete event
simulation and its application in virtual manufacturing,
International Journal of CAD/CAM, 4(1):19-32, 2004. |
 | X. Yuan and S. Yang,
Virtual assembly with biologically inspired intelligence, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and
Reviews, 33(2):159-167, May 2003. |
 | X. Yuan and S. Yang,
Real-time rendering of artificial guidance, Proc. 2000 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.
775-780, Oct. 2000. |
Human/Computer Interaction
 | X. Yuan and J. Lu,
Virtual programming with bare-hand-based interaction, Proc.
2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, pp.
896-900, July 2005. |
 | X. Yuan and X. Dong,
Hidden-line rendering with a dynamic p-buffer, Computers and Graphics,
24(3):443-451, 2000. |
 | X. Yuan and H. Sun, A fuzzy approach to hand functioning in
virtual programming, Proc. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp. 21-26, Nov.
1999. |